Workplace Wellbeing

Change starts here: How to create a culture that’s mentally healthy

Paul Watson


Unmind Product Spotlight: Calendar Reminders


For far too many, work just isn’t working. It’s time for real change. And this time, it’s cultural. Our brand new handbook will show you how to transform mental health and wellbeing within your organisation. 

Businesses are finally waking up to mental health, but there’s a long way to go. There’s no ready-made, quick-fix solution. Getting it right – in a way that’s built to last – needs more than an annual staff yoga retreat, or a smattering of apps.

To create a workplace culture that nurtures employees’ mental health and wellbeing, it’s the duty of companies, and their leaders, to help set the tone. It may sound daunting, but the rewards are huge on both a human and financial level.

Because the alternative, well, it’s not quite working out.

Right now, more than half of employees (54%) feel overworked. Around 7 in 10 employees admit they are struggling. And 4 in 5 are either not engaged, or actively disengaged, at work.   

Want more scary numbers? Mental health-related absence stands at an all-time high, and costs UK businesses £53-56 billion every year. In total, lost productivity costs the global economy an annual US $8.1 trillion. Or roughly 10% of Earth’s GDP.

Question is: what can we do about it?

Well, if the above shows anything, it’s that it’s time for change. When organisations make a mental health culture their goal – focusing on work systems, structures, and staff in a top-down, whole-company way – that’s where real change happens.

Our new handbook – ‘Change you can feel: How leaders can drive a mentally healthy culture’ – will help you on your way. When you hit download, you’ll have taken the first step.

Read the handbook now and discover:

  • The case for cultural change, and why we need to act now.
  • What an effective mental health culture looks like.
  • How to make change happen at your organisation.

Culture isn't built in a day, but the first step is ready when you are. 

Change starts here.


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For further guidance

To find out more about how Unmind can help drive cultural change within your organisation, book a chat with an Unminder today.